[法] 尊敬的阁下,老爷;
My lord, I have received my sentence of death from the Almighty.
老爷, 我已接受了上帝判处我的死刑.
——辞典例句My lord, I am instructed by my client to claim that the evidence has been tampered with.
——柯林斯例句The justice of the Church is not a mockery, my lord.
教会法律并不是儿戏, 阁下.
辞典例句He started from his instant's pause, and said in a low firm voice, " Not guilty, my Lord. "
他从这短促的思冥中惊醒过来, 用低微而坚决的声音回答: “ 无罪, 大人. ”
辞典例句My lord: I - I went too far.
大人,我 - 我太放肆了.
辞典例句Let me live truly, my Lord, so that death to me become true.
让我真真实实地活着吧, 我的上帝.这样,死对于我也就成了真实的了.
辞典例句Go to your own bosom my lord , knock there, and ask your heart.
老爷, 请您扪扪自己的良心.
辞典例句I must say, my lord, you take our situation very coolly. Very coolly indeed.
爵爷, 你对于咱们的处境倒是满不在乎的,我要说, 太不在乎啦.
辞典例句You play for your side, my lord, even at the peril ofyour soul.
阁下,你为贵方办事, 已经到了不顾灵魂的地步了.
辞典例句My lord is all day making an exhibition of his manly strength.
辞典例句If we feared anything we could never govern England, my lord.
我们要是怕这怕那,就不可能统治英国了, 我的大人.
辞典例句Fore God, my lord, well spoken , with good accent and good discretion.
上帝在上, 老爷, 您念得好极了, 真是抑扬顿挫,曲尽其妙.
辞典例句It is quite sound theologically, my lord. But the king will hardly care, provided he reign.
从神学观点说,这是无懈可击的, 阁下. 不过, 只要国王掌权的话,恐怕对此是不会在乎的.
辞典例句Good morrow to you, my lord.
柯林斯例句I will abide the coming of my lord.
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